Club Update

Club News

Rig Checks For All Anglers- Fish Safety

A death rig, what is it? 

In the event of a mainline breakage, fish being tethered to weighted terminal tackle which it drags around until it becomes snagged and the fish dies.

Which means the lead can not run freely or be released from a clip, no terminal tackle should be above the lead that can hinder the lead from releasing from the mainline.

So before casting in to any lake think if this breaks at this point on the line can the lead be released? What will the fish be carrying/ towing round in its mouth apart from a hook ? 

Will the tail rubber from a lead clip release if a fish is towing this rig round? 

If this line breaks above the swivel clip then the feeder can not release which will result in the fish towing the feeder round.

Bailiffs advised at the last meeting that rig inspections having been taking place around the lakes where very few problems had been encountered. The exceptions, mostly novice anglers where guidance had been provided, and well received.

Rig inspections will be carried out heavily over the next few months, especially as we come in to the new season, this will be all anglers. BPAS want to move away from categorising its members in to carp anglers, match anglers and pleasure anglers, as we all have the same objective a enjoyable days fishing with good, healthy, quality fish been caught as a bonus!   

We are not here as a committee to moan or ban members, this inspection regime was to protect all fish stocks and it does not seem unreasonable that rig inspection should be undertaken on all members. Please co operate with all our bailiffs, if you are asked to reel in one of your rods for a rig check, then please do so. Our bailiffs are there to do the job on voluntary basis and the club will not tolerate any abuse towards any of our voluntary team.  

If you have any quires or worries about your rigs and are they safe, please speak to a bailiff who will come and give you some friendly advise that may help you catch a fish or two.

There is no way this rig can release from the lead.
A common rig used a inline lead system for a PVA bag, however this set up the lead can not pass the swivel it may be convenient for the angler but could result in a tethered or dead fish.