March / Mid April Catch Report.
With the weather all over the place at the minute one day its 3 degrees, Northly winds and feeling like winter and the next day the sun is out and it feels like summer is on its way, the fishing has been a bit all over the place. Reports coming in that all pools are fishing well especially when the sun manages to break through. A lot of success coming off Kingswood lake a lot of anglers catching the carp in the upper layers from all around the pool. As well as the roach that were stocked last winter been caught out of the Washery along with the Tench just starting to wake up.
As we all know renewal is just around the corner. We do expect and influx of new anglers on the bank. If you are a new member please ensure you read all the rules before fishing the water which can be found on the website and clubmate. If your an existing member renewing please share advice with the new members and help point them in the right direction we was all new members once upon a time.
Just a quick reminder that no bait boats are NOT to be used on ANY of our lakes. This will not be tolerated by the committee, and shows that not all members are not reading the rules.
A quick mention about litter as well please take it home with you, I’m noticing, walking round the pools a lot of cigarette ends and it doesn’t look good a lot of hard work is going in to these pools a lot valuable man hours so lets all look after these scenic pools that we are lucky to have.
The house pellet continues to be fed across Kingswood, Turf and The Washery Pool which is available from myself, Tom, Spencer and Aaron. Spence will put a Facebook status up when he is available to sell the pellet, which is usually on a Sunday morning between 9 and 10. When joining the Facebook page you need to agree to the group rules and also include your Clubmate Id number or your request will be declined.
On a positive note it nice to see so many young anglers on the bank showing us old ones how its done. These one day will be the future of our club so please encourage this as much as possible. The club is promoting this as much as we can but please remember to register your children on Clubmate at the cost of just £1 for insurance and safeguarding purposes.
Dan Startin one our great bailiffs has also been out with the drone getting some great shots of Kingswood Lake its beautiful lake. Even with the industrial factories growing around the lake, there is just something special about the place when the sun is out.
Below is the images from our Facebook page.
Tight Lines
BPAS Committee