Club Update

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Calf Heath Match Result 15/06/24

Well if there is one thing I’ve learned about Calf Heath it’s that when there is heavy overnight rain it really does slow the sport down.  So  when the 27 hardy souls that attended had to sit the first half of the match out in torrential rain it didn’t make it any easier. However as the day eventually started to brighten up so did the fishing.  Club chairman John Burns secured top spot on the day with his third visit to peg 5 in as many months. Sport was somewhat slow to begin with as he alternated lines looking for bites. But as the conditions improved he settled on cage feeder fished short to have a good last couple of hrs netting a pleasing 28lb 1oz. Second spot also on the slabs went to Martin Cartridge from peg 12. Fishing the pole at 13m he managed 6 Bream and a few skimmers for 26lb 13oz. Brian Ashley completed the frame with a modest 19lb 13oz from 53, fishing the method and cage feeder on 2 lines he managed to snare several decent fish.

Section Winners….

Steve Mcqueen.              17lb  10oz.         (Peg 6)

Andy Cooper.                   14lb  10oz.         (Peg 49)

Bob Allatt.                        17lb   12oz.        ( Peg 56)

Greg  Hulme.                   3lb 15oz.            Peg 64)

Dave Ridgeway.              13lb 14oz.       (Peg 80)

Club chairman John Burns with his winning return.

Club Chairman John Burns with his winning haul.