We’ve have a few visitors during the hours of darkness recently, especially on the Turf pool, which the committee are now aware of and dealing with the situation accordingly. Our plan is to increase the amount of bailiff patrols at night. We also have a Night Wardens and Night Sentinels watching our waters of a during darkness, reporting any incidents to our committee. However, if you are a season ticket member of the club, we would like you stay vigilant while on the bank, checking the margins for any lines entering the water, if you find anything suspicious then please report to our bailiff team or committee as soon as possible. If you don’t know who to contact, Tom Ponder’s phone number is available under his photo of the website.
A member landed a fish on the Turf Pool, after it picked up his line. Attached to it was something called a swallow rig used for illegal fishing, staked in the margin, baited up and left. Its basically a welding rod with a rig attached to it. This is horrible to see within the club especially with the stockies showing promising growth. So this is a plea to all members for us all to work together to protect our stock and help us check the lakes while fishing and report anything you see.
Many Thanks BPAS committee.