Club Rules



Members Disregarding Club Rules Will Be Issued With A Warning Which May Result In The Forfeit Of Their Membership.

1. Membership reference / name & rod license to be produced on demand to Club Bailiffs and Officials.

2. All gates must be kept locked at all times. Members must close and lock gates when entering & leaving fisheries.

3.  Membership shall be made available to persons below the age of 16 years on the explicit / unequivocal condition that when they visit any BPAS fishery they must be accompanied by, and, under the close supervision of a current adult member who is over the age of 18 years. Annual juvenile membership will be offered at a subsidised cost. Annual juvenile membership will be offered at a subsidised cost of £1 per juvenile member.

4. Members are NOT allowed on Society Fisheries during the hours of darkness, unless in receipt of a special night fishing permit.

5. Members must fish from Numbered Pegs Only and not cast across neighbouring swims.

6. Fish caught must be handled with upmost care and returned unharmed & alive to the water.

7. Any fish, dead or alive, must NOT be removed from Society fisheries. (Please report concerns of Pollution / Fish deaths to club Secretary 07813 475038)

8. All members MUST have a suitable landing net and mat or cradle when fishing.

8a Landing nets and unhooking mats must be DRY ON ARRIVAL AT FISHERIES – and be set up and ready to use before casting in.

8b.When fishing for ‘Carp & Pike’ a minimum of a 36-inch landing net and a large padded unhooking mat is required.


10. Rods and lines Must NOT be left in the water unattended at any time.

11. All hooks including and smaller than size 10 must he barbless.

12. Beachcaster’ and ‘fly fishing’ styles are NOT allowed.

13. Carp Fishing.

13a. Braided mainline NOT allowed when fishing for Carp.

13b, Monofilament Mainlines must be a minimum of 12 lbs breaking strain.

13c. Hook links must be made with dedicated hook link materials.

13d. Terminal set-ups must be designed to release fish ‘untethered’ if mainline breakage occurs.

13e. Members targeting Carp must have available a ‘Carp Care’ medication kit to attend / treat body sores and hook holds.

13f. No ‘Pre-Baiting’ at Leacroft Pool.

14. Pike Fishing

14a.The use of live or dead ‘coarse fish’ baits is NOT allowed.

14b. Dead ‘Sea fish’ baits are allowed during the period 1st Oct to 15th March.

14c. Leacroft Pool & Turf Pool – Pike fishing NOT allowed during the period – 16th March to 30th September.

14d. Leacroft Pool & Turf Pool – Artificial Lures are NOT allowed,

15. Calf Heath Reservoir – Restricted No Fishing Area – Overhead Power Lines – These are located adjacent to and along the A5 roadway bank. Fishing from this bank (Dam Wall) is not allowed. No assembled rods / lines are to be carried along this bank, and, baiting up is not allowed from this bank – between and around the ‘No Fishing Notice Points’. (Link to Calf Heath Reservoir)

16. Bait Boats are NOT allowed.

17. No unofficial Competitions / matches allowed at any Society Fisheries.

18. No pleasure fishing allowed in reserved pegs on match days (Link to Match Peg Allocation) (Link to Match Dates)

19. Members will be held responsible for litter/ rubbish in the vicinity of their peg, whether or not litter was present on arrival.

20. Disposable cans/tins are NOT allowed on Society Fisheries.

21. All particle baits ie. Hemp, Maize, Tiger nuts etc. must be prepared correctly prior to use.

22. Unused bait must not be left on the bankside. This encourages rodents.

23. The Riding of cycles, lighting fires, playing radios, camping and sleeping is NOT allowed at Society Fisheries.

24. Alcohol or prohibited drugs are NOT allowed on Society Fisheries.

25. No access along the motorway / toll road embankment at Kingswood lake for the purposes fishing, loose feeding or pre-baiting.